About the Ice Hotel:
Made of 12,000 tons of snow and 400 tons of ice, this amazing
structure is rebuilt every winter, has all the amenities
that a regular hotel does: the N'ice Club Reception room,
the Absolut Ice Bar, hot tubs and a sauna, fireplaces, and
even a chapel. Feel free to visite the rest of our website
through our easy to use menu or call us and it will be our
pleasure to answer all of your burning questions and provide
additional information.
Your stay is even more magical when combined
with the activities offered by our partners; Aventure Inukshuk
(dogsledding), Portneuf Aventure (snowmobiling), Catshalac
(Ice fishing), and Duchesnay (cross-country skiing, snow
shoeing, skating).
January 7 to April 3, 2005,
celebrate Ice Hotel's five seasons.
An ephemeral and spectacular place to rediscover yearly.
* Terms/Conditions: based on double occupancy, taxes not
included. Subject to availability and other reservations
requirements. Offer is $420 US (per 2 people) for all new
reservations. Offer ends April 1, 2005.